With a New Year, comes new resolutions. Often one of the goals is to find the time to read more. So, whether you’ve made this pact to pick up more books, or you’re a bookworm (like myself), here at Unika we’ve gathered some top reads of January, as well as the coziest additives to spend time turning the pages.
Happy new year and happy reading!

1. The Woman In the Window: A Novel by A.J. Finn
A mysterious thriller about Anna who, being stuck in her house for the past ten months, uses her window as her view to the outside world. Reality becomes a little too real when the Russell’s move in and Anna sees something she shouldn’t have.
(where better to read than in bed, with your wooliest socks and most favourite worn-in jeans. who said denim couldn’t be comfortable? we disagree!)

2. The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur
The second book of poems after her first (Milk and Honey), Rupi illustrates with words life’s paths and finding out the meaning of home.
(stay warm amidst these snow falls and bundle up with a knitted sweater, and lots of blankets)

3. The Perfect Nanny: A Novel by Leila Slimani
A novel about what happens when Myriam and her husband find the ideal nanny for their family. When they all become too dependant on one another, suspicions and jealousy build as the tensions make for a page-turning read.
(when were leggings ever not a good idea? especially layered under socks and softest tees and sweatshirts)

4. Everything Here Is Beautiful by Mira T. Lee
A story about two sisters, who after their mother passes away, deal with what it means to be family and how far you’ll go.
(reading by candlelight always brings calm to your space. shop locally made, and best smelling candles at either of Unika’s locations!)

5. Turtles All The Way Down by John Green
The latest book from the writer of The Fault In Our Stars, this story follows Aza who takes on a local mystery with her best friend Daisy, all while trying to navigate school, family and friendship against the back drop of her own spiralling thoughts.
(keep it simple with a good book, knee highs, and a hot cup of your favourite drink and watch winter from your favourite spot in the house)
if you’ve read any of these — we’d love to know if you enjoyed them!
did we miss any that are on your reading list?